If you're wondering what size treadmill belt you need then look no further than our step by step guide on measuring your treadmill belt. Once you have determined the size of treadmill belt you need and you would like to order one than you can do so at https://www.treadmillbeltreplacement.com or give us a call at 403-383-9478
A Guide to Properly Measuring a Treadmill Belt
Whether you're replacing a worn-out treadmill belt or simply want to ensure it's properly aligned, measuring the treadmill belt accurately is crucial. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get it right:
1. Gather Your Tools:
Before you begin, make sure you have the following tools handy:
A tape measure (preferably a flexible one)
A marker, chalk, or a piece of tape. Just something to mark a spot on the treadmill belt
A flat surface to lay out the tape measure
Safety gloves (optional but recommended)
2. Prepare the Treadmill:
Ensure that the treadmill is turned off and unplugged from the power source for safety purposes. If the treadmill is foldable, unfold it to access the belt easily.
3. Measure the Width:
Using the tape measure, determine the width of the treadmill belt. Start from one edge of the belt and measure straight across to the other edge. Take note of the measurement.
4. Measure the Length:
This step requires a bit more effort. You'll measure the entire length of the belt, including the portion that goes around the roller. You will be measuring the belt in multiple steps and adding the measurements together for the final measurement. Follow these steps:
Measuring the treadmill belt with it on the treadmill
Find the midpoint of the treadmill belt width.
Place a mark on the treadmill belt with either a marker, chalk, or a piece of tape
Place the tape measure at the spot that you marked on the treadmill belt
Extend the tape measure to measure a section of the treadmill belt. Mark with your marker where your measurement is.
Take note of the first measurement
Roll the belt manually in the direction you are measuring. Start your second measurement off the mark you just made on the belt.
Extend the tape measure again and make a mark where that measurement ends.
Take note of the measurement
Repeat the above steps until you end up at the first mark after rolling the belt all the way around
Add all the measurements together to give you the final measurement
Measuring the treadmill belt with it off the treadmill
Measuring the treadmill belt with it off the treadmill is pretty straight forward. Gathered you've cut it off and can lay it out as its full length.
Lay the treadmill belt across the floor or flat surface
Measure the width and take note of the width
Make sure the treadmill belt is flat and measure it from end to end
Take note of the length of the treadmill belt
5. Check for Accuracy:
To ensure accuracy of the treadmill belt measurement, repeat the measurements a couple of times. If there are any discrepancies, take the average of the measurements.
6. Note Down the Measurements:
Write down both the width and length measurements of the treadmill belt. Having these measurements on hand will be useful when purchasing a replacement treadmill belt at Treadmill Belt Replacement
7. Consider Other Factors:
While measuring the belt's dimensions is essential, it's also crucial to inspect the overall condition of the belt, including its tension and alignment. Signs of wear and tear, fraying edges, or unevenness. If the belt is overly stretched on the rollers than deducting a small bit from the overall measurement may be necessary.
8. Seek Professional Help if Needed:
If you're unsure about measuring the treadmill belt or if you notice significant issues during your inspection, it's best to consult with a professional treadmill technician. They can provide expert guidance and assistance in resolving any problems with your treadmill. Or you may reach out to us at Treadmill Belt Replacement with any questions you may have.
By following these steps, you can accurately measure your treadmill belt, ensuring smooth and safe workouts. Remember to regularly maintain your treadmill to prolong its lifespan and optimize performance.
Ready to order your custom size treadmill belt? Follow the button below to our online treadmill ordering form.